0-36 Months


Encourage self-respect

Our nursery welcomes, in an international context, children from 0 to 24 months. Children find themselves in a warm, caring and peaceful environment that means to be an extension of the domestic one. We privilege Montessori didactic method.

Our nursery is a suitable and experienced environment for an overall attention of the child, that responds to his need of developing motor, perceptive, emotional and communicative sense, in accordance with his need operative and mindset method.
The structure and the arrangement of spaces and objects are organised and thought to encourage the child’s vital activities.
The child-friendly furniture is an instrument for independent movement and the exploration of the surrounding environment. Thanks to a didactics based on activities aimed to encourage movements towards productive purposes using materials that generate interest. The educational target pursued is that of encourage and reinforce basic human skills such as:

  • language
  • movement
  • though

In a warm and encouraging environment. This kind of educational approach, conducted with responsability, dedication and awareness, that distinguishes ourselves, will create in the child the ability to adapt successfully in the school context and in the surrounding world.

The growth is not only a balanced development of size, but it is a transformation, and our Nursery welcomes and wants to realise this goal.

Scuola Primavera a Lago Patria


Encourage self-respect

New Green Garden babyclass is an educational and social-recreational service that greets children from 24 to 36 months. The project is based on flexibility criteria, continuity and communication with the family.

The main purpose of the babyclass is to create a connection between nursery and preschool sharing spaces, projects and educational paths.
The space created in the classroom is comportable and familial.
Educators bring the child with dedication and respect through this transition from a familiar place to an unknown one.

Their work is aimed to develop in children: independent motion, and personal care.

Scuola Primavera a Lago Patria



Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Sunday Closed

  +39 081 5091290
