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The New Green Garden school at Lago Patria offers a wide range of training and extra-curricular activities.

Registration for the school at Lago Patria New Green Garden is open to all students coming from an Italian or foreign school. Our future students can be placed in classes at any time of the school year and for registration or for visits to the school it is necessary to make an appointment in the Secretariat.

Join now the over 200 Members of the New Green Garden

Send a request for information immediately, you will be contacted.


    “Sono la mamma di due bimbe della New Green Garden. Una mamma che lavora e come tale le ho dovute lasciare lì molto piccole e ho dovuto fare i conti con

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    RITA C. ??
    “İtalya’ya yeni taşındık ve kızımız için okul araştırıyorduk. New Green Garden ‘a girdiğimiz anda kızımız için en iyisi olduğunu düşündük. Okulumuz, fiziki
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    Gülin N. S. ??
    “Come ogni mamma spero sempre di aver fatto le scelte migliori per i miei figli, beh con la New Green Garden di Lago Patria ho la piena consapevolezza di aver fatto
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    Elena C. ??